Monday, January 19, 2009

Talika Eyelash Lipocils

Do you condition your hair everyday? If your answer is yes, than why not condition your lashes? Think about it, every single day we apply and remove mascara sometimes in a very harsh manner. Why not do something nice for your lashes? A few months ago I started searching for a product that would condition and enrich my lashes, and that is how I found Talika Eyelash Lipocils. This product is G R E A T! After a about three weeks of regular use I began to see a difference. My lashes were fuller and thicker. I was sold, and I think you will be as well when you try it.

For the first month or so, use it twice daily on clean lashes. Once in the morning and once in the evening. Make sure that the gel touches the skin at the roots of your lashes. Wait for about a minute and then you can apply mascara. This can double as a primer for your mascara. After the first month, you can begin to use it once a day. I love love love this product!!

Let me know how you like it ladies! I would love to hear from you!


  1. I have not tried this product, but I have been using Revitalash to condition my lashes. I swear they have grown and have become so thick I don't even have to wear mascara anymore. I definitley would recommend it to all you ladies out there!

  2. Hi Veronica!

    Can you let me know where I can find Revitalash? I would love to try it!


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